2° leg: Piediluco – Scheggino

2° leg: Piediluco – Scheggino

Km 0 Depart from the Church of San Francesco in the center of Piediluco. Continue towards Rieti, keeping the lake to the right.
Km 1.9 At the intersection with the main road, turn right towards Rieti.
Km 2.2 Turn left towards Arrone. Beginning of climb.
Km 6 Forca d’Arrone. End of climb.
Km 11.5 End of descent. At the intersection, cross the street and continue towards Arrone.
Km 12.4 Arrone. Continue straight. Water fountain on the right.
Km 13 At the traffic circle, continue right towards Ferentillo along Valnerina Nera River Valley. Caution: traffic.
Km 16.7 Turn left towards Ferentillo Matterella. Immediately after the church, there are two water fountains on the left. After the town, pick up the main Valnerina road, continuing left.
Km 22 Macenano.
Km 27.5 Ceselli. Continue straight towards Scheggino.
Km 31 Scheggino. Turn right to enter the piazza, passing the bridge over the Nera to visit the center of town. End of leg.

IAT di Terni
Via Cassian Bon, 2-4 – 05100 Terni
Phone: 0744423047 | Fax: 0744427259 | info@iat.terni.it